
Gas Treatment

Formulations & Solvents

BASF produces and delivers an extensive portfolio of quality amine and non-amine chemicals and formulations for use in gas treatment applications. Our extensive logistics, export and import experience as well as production and storage facilities in Europe, North America and Asia ensure a very high reliability of delivery and of supply worldwide.



Chemicals and formulations tailor made to optimize the customized OASE® technology for each client's particular application.



Quality chemicals prepared according to client's specifications.


Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA/MDEOA)

MDEA is primarily used in gas treating applications for the selective removal of H2S from acid gas streams in refineries and from sales gas streams. (CAS No.: 105-59-9)

Amino-Di-Ethylene-Glycol (ADEG®)

ADEG® is also known as aminoethoxyethanol (AEE) or DIGLYCOLAMINE® (DGA®). ADEG® is primarily used in applications for removing H2S and CO2 in acid gas removal applications at low partial pressures. (CAS No.: 929-06-6)

Monoethanolamine (MEA/MEOA)

MEA is a primary amine used for bulk removal of CO2 and H2S for generic acid-gas removal applications.
Typical applications are found in refineries, sales gas plants and in flue gas applications. (CAS No.: 141-43-5)

Diethanolamine (DEA/DEOA)

DEA is a secondary amine used for bulk removal of CO2 and H2S for generic acid-gas removal applications.
(CAS No.: 111-42-2)

Diisopropanolamine (DIPA/DIPOA)

DIPA is a secondary amine that is used for bulk acid gas removal of generic sulfur removal applications.
(CAS No.: 110-97-4)

N-Formyl Morpholine (NFM)

NFM is used for the extractive distillation of aromatics and for acid-gas removal applications,
for example in Uhde's Morphylane® technology. (CAS No.: 4394-85-8)

N-Acetyl Morpholine (NAM)

NAM is used in acid gas removal applications. (CAS No.: 1696-20-4)

DIGLYCOLAMINE® and DGA® are registered trademarks of Huntsman Petrochemical LLC.

ADEG®, OASE®, PuraTreat® are registered trademarks of BASF.