Steam cracker II, the largest individual plant at BASF's Ludwigshafen site, covers a surface area of about 64,000 square meters, which is about the size of 13 soccer fields. The steam cracker is also the heart of BASF's Verbund production strategy. This giant plant has been operating since 1981 and uses steam to crack naphtha at about 850°C [1,562°F]. This process leads primarily to ethylene and propylene, both indispensable feedstocks for manufacturing numerous products in Ludwigshafen.



Gas Treatment

HiPACT® to be used in

INPEX’s Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage project

In partnership with JGC, BASF has developed a unique high-pressure gas treatment technology for high-pressure regeneration to allow for energy-efficient carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications, which is marketed under the HiPACT® brand.

Employees from the BASF water treatment and paper chemicals plant in Nanjing, China (general manager Mingwei Qin, operator Miaomiao Jiao, and project operation manager Justin Brightmore) conduct a site tour with a customer, Zeming Wang from SINOPEC Yangzi Petrochemical Co. Ltd., accompanied by a sales colleague, Michael Wang.

Special applications

With the broadest portfolio in the industry, BASF can draw from a wide range of technologies to provide customized solutions for applications such as iron ore reduction, hydrogen production, natural gas production, ethylene treating, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), etc.


OASE® is a registered trademark of BASF SE.

HiPACT® is a registered trademark of JGC Corporation.