Mining Solutions

Mining Solutions

Sustainability Profile
Rheomax® ETD for enhanced tailings disposal

Performance Benefits 

  • Enhanced Tailings Disposal is a method of Tailings Management in which novel technology is used to change and control the structural and drainage properties of mineral processing residues
  • The ETD process is able to rigidify tailings at the point of disposal by initiating instantaneous water release from the treated slurry
  • Benefit are
  • Drying time of tailings accelerated (up to 5-10 times), resulting in a smaller land footprint
  • Rapid reclamation of process water for reuse reducing fresh water consumption
  • Reduced water evaporation from Tailings dam
  • Quicker rehabilitation time (up to 5-10 times) due to faster trafficable surface
  • Dry surface leads to improved dust suppression and lower air pollution
  • Faster rehabilitation when revegetation is used, supports plant growth

Sustainability Benefits

  •    Cost effectiveness
  •    Lower Water Consumption
  •    Reduced Footprint of Mining Activities
  •    Improve Rehabilitation