Oilfield Chemicals

Oilfield Chemicals

Dispersants & Cleaning Agents

In oil and gas production, the application of cleaning agents in areas such as equipment maintenance, tank cleaning, wellbore cleaning and water injection systems clean-up, is important for the success of operations.

BASF’s Basoclean, Basosol, and Basopon product lines are effective in these applications. These surfactants are often utilized best in multicomponent blends, especially in oilfield applications where challenging variables such as temperature, electrolyte concentration, hydrocarbon environments, and the presence of suspended solids can affect the performance of surfactants.

BASF offers single component additives for customers to develop their personalized formulations. A key differentiator of our Basoclean and Basopon product line is that it can be applied in environmentally sensitive areas. 

Basoclean 80, Basoclean 100

Basoclean 80, 100

  • Alkylpolyglucoside, 62-72%
  • No cloud point
  • Soluble in concentrated brines
  • Low eco-/skin toxicity
  • Viscosity boosting
  • Biodegradable

Basosol XP

Basopon LGC

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