copper wire, steel wire golden red color tone.
Mining Solutions

Mining Solutions

Copper Applications

BASF produces a complete line of copper solvent extraction reagents, including ketoximes, aldoximes, modified aldoximes and non-modified blends. These reagents and reagent blends allow BASF to supply its customers with the optimum reagent formulation tailored to meet the needs of their specific application.

Moving upstream to the leaching process, BASF has developed LixTRA™, a novel leaching additive aimed primarily at copper heap and dump leach processes. LixTRA™ is a liquid added in small quantities to the mine’s lixiviant and provides faster and higher metal recovery in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner.

The downstream electrowinning process is a key development area for BASF. Today, BASF markets poly-acrylamide based additives as copper smoothing agents.

Our Solutions

Other Offerings

Technical service is a key part of our offer and customers can be confident of receiving the highest levels of support when purchasing products. BASF's Centre of Excellence for Hydrometallurgy is based in Tucson, US where analytical and research and developmental work is performed. Our laboratory in Antofagasta, Chile, focuses on solvent extraction technical service for the South America region and LixTRATM application development.

Our Center of Excellence for Hydrometallury


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Contact our mining solutions team for expert assistance and information regarding our comprehensive range of mining products and services. Reach out to us today and discover how our mining expertise can drive success for your operations.
BASF’s hydrometallurgical product offering includes solvent extractants, leaching aids and purification clays, which are complemented by ancillary reagents such as antiscalants, descalants and dispersants.
The future of the uranium industry looks favorable with an expected increase of uranium needed to meet global energy demand. Uranium inventories are currently at manageable levels; however, the pressure to create low-cost, high-purity stockpiles is increasing.